What are networks?

At a basic level, networks are an administrator and/or user defined grouping of users. Subnetworks offer an additional layer of segmentation, perfect in a particularly large organization that wants to have groupings and sub-groupings.  These groups can be segmented any which way imaginable, and users can belong to multiple networks to allow administrators to get the most out of the system. 

View https://help.rideamigos.com/networks-what-why-how/ for best practices of segmenting your users.

Getting Started

As a network manager, you have full access to manage your network and any subnetworks underneath. To get started managing your network:

  1. From the top navigation bar, click Manage.
  2. Under the My Networks section, click on the network name.

From the network overview screen, network managers can quickly see the number of members and managers in a network and the cumulative impact stats of trips associated with the network. 

Editing Network Details

Your network details will be established during the on-boarding process. However, network managers can modify a network’s details via the ‘Edit’ tab. Here is an explanation of each field:

1. Name: Required field. The name of your network.

2. Shareable Join URL: Can be given to users to provide them with a landing page for joining your network. This part of the URL will remain constant - https://gohiocommute.com/s/ - everything after that can be edited if the default value is not desired.

3. Is this network Public?: Public networks can be searched for and joined by anyone. Private networks are invite-only. Users can join via the Shareable Join URL.

4. Type: Used for categorizing networks in reports and other contexts. Organization is usually the top-level network. From there, you can have a Location and then a Department subnetwork. Schoolpool and Program types can be ignored.

General Hierarchy




5. Description: Displayed to all visitors to the Shareable Join URL.

6. Auto-Join by Email Domain: You can easily set up your network so all users who sign up for your platform who have an @ email address will be automatically added. Can be used with either public or private networks. 

7. Organization / Company Size: Used for reference in reporting and other contexts.

8. Location: Geographical or mailing address information associated with this network

9. Tags: Used for advanced categorization, sorting, and reporting.

10. Message to non-members before joining: Displayed to visitors to the network join URL who are not currently a member of the network.

11. Message to current members: Displayed to visitors visitors to the network join URL who are already members of the network.


The ‘Subnetworks’ tab displays all subnetworks of the current network, along with the ability to quickly copy each subnetwork’s Join URL or remove the network from the system. To view or edit a subnetwork, click its name.


The ‘Managers’ tab lists all users currently granted network manager status for this network. From here, managers can be easily added or removed.


The ‘Members’ tab displays a basic, searchable report of all users in this network. Results can be filtered by first or last name, or email address. The Advanced Reporting link provides a route to a more in-depth, fully-filterable view of network members.


The ‘Triplogs’ tab displays a basic report of all triplogs associated with this network. By default, only trips logged after a member joins a network are associated with that network.

Some special circumstances may require logging trips associated with the network that are not associated with a particular user. To log such trips, click the “Log network trips” button for instructions and the logging form.

Advanced, fully-filterable reporting on network triplogs is also available via the associated link.

Trip Plans

The ‘Trip Plans’ tab displays saved/favorite trips associated with the users within your network. Use the map or card views to find more details on particular trips.