Incentives are a resource or reward offered to users for performing a specific, transportation-related act. This could be commuting by bicycle a specific number of days per month, or trying each available mode of transit at least once.  Incentives are completely personal, they do not require competition of any kind. They typically require a user to achieve an objective goal set in order to be able to obtain the reward.

See this page for detailed information on Incentives:

Creating An Incentive

  1. From the top menu, navigate to ‘Manage’ and select ‘Incentives' where you are presented with choices for Current, Upcoming, Past, or All.
  2. Click on New Incentive.
  3. Proceed with filling out each field to configure your incentive. Most fields are self-explanatory or provide guidance on the page itself. However, there are a few sections that require special consideration. These are explained below.
  4. Finally, click the Create Incentive button on the right-hand side to continue.

Users and Network Eligibility

  1. Auto-Join Current and New Eligible Users - If selected, all currently eligible users and any new eligible users will automatically be joined to this incentive. In order to participate in an incentive a user must join the incentive themselves or be auto-joined based on their network membership. This does not affect existing users, only new user registrations joining your network.
  2. Which Networks are eligible? - 
  3. Is this incentive for your top-level network and should include all user's in your Organization?

    Yes - Select All by holding CTRL and click to select multiple networks (Command + click for Mac users) or select your top-level network. 

    No - Choose each subnetwork individually as needed

  4. Which Networks Managers can edit / view report? - It's important that you think about who manages which networks. If you only have a top-level network, no problem. It gets more difficult when there are location or department sub-networks. If you are not certain how to configure this, please do not hesitate to contact Gohio Commute support.
  5. Should this incentive be hidden if the user is in another specific incentive? If so, select them here. - Choose the incentive(s) as needed. This is useful if you are conducting location or department based incentives.

Trip Log Eligibility

  1. Trip logs must be between the following dates - Select the start and end dates for eligible trip logs. Only trips logged as having taken place on these days will be counted toward the incentive.
  2. Final Trip Log Entry Cutoff Date - After the incentive has ended, when is the last available date/time for your users to log their eligible trips?
  3. Join Cutoff Date - Enter the last date available for users to join.


  1. Restrict eligible trips to specific sources? - Sources are the medium the member users to log their trips (e.g. Web Platform, Commute Tracker). Don't select anything if all trip log sources are eligible. 
  2. What type of value should be considered? - Select trips, days, or distance as the metric for your incentive.
  3. Should calculations be a count of eligible trips or a percentage of total trips? - Choose Count or Percent. This affects what is displayed for the next field.
  4. Depending on what is chosen in #3:
    • What percent of trips logged are required to have the eligible modes? - Enter the percent of trips logged.
    • How many eligible trips are required?  - Enter the number of eligible logged trips that are required.
  5. What modes are eligible? - Select the eligible modes for this incentive. Hold CTRL and click to select multiple modes (Command + click for Mac users).
  6. Available in Commute Tracker - Determines if the incentive can be viewed in the Commute Tracker.


How should redemption be handled?

  1. Basic: The user is presented with a success screen confirming their item has been claimed. For example, the user completes the required number of trips, views the current week's incentive in the Active tab of their Rewards area, clicks Claim Incentive. After clicking Claim Incentive a confirmation should pop up confirming their redemption with a link to download the voucher PDF. There is also an option to send an email with the download link. Reach out to your Gohio representative to have this configured.
  2. Custom Language / Link - You can provide specific instructions and a link for the redeeming user to visit. When the user clicks 'claim', they will be presented with a dialog containing this text and the link (if one is provided) 
    • Incentive Claim Instructions - What instructions must the user follow after they claim the incentive? This will show in the claim popup window. This is not required.
    • Incentive Claim Link - Mentioning a survey or a link in your claim instructions? Add it here. This is not required.
  3. Require submission to Supervisor for approval? - When completing the incentive, the user will be prompted to enter their Supervisor's contact information. Supervisor will receive an email with eligible trip breakdowns and an option to approve or deny.